Yesterday evening saw another meeting of Calne Town Councils Planning, Licencing and Highways Consultative Committee. These meetings happen every third Wednesday starting at 6pm in the Town Hall. I would always encourage members of the community to attend these meetings to voice their opinions, particularly when we are discussing important issues.

This week we discussed several important items at the meeting including the renewed Lidl’s application, the outcome of the application of the Laundrette as an Asset of Community Value and the 20 MPH speed limit introduction on Mill Street, Anchor Road, and associated side roads.


I must say I was surprised that not a single member of the public turned up to speak about this at the meeting, having seen the extent of feeling about Lidl’s coming to town, via social media.

The good news is that as before, Calne Town Council have raised no objections to this development. We are eager for Lidl’s to come to Calne, as are most people. In fact, I have only seen one person voice their objection online. Calne Town Council do see it as a benefit that will bring people to Calne as well as the extra employment that Lidl’s and the other employment spaces will create.

We are, however, concerned about the phasing of development, we would have preferred the whole development to be done as one, but it is not a showstopper for us. We did record that we would prefer that the Attenuation Pond be included as part of the first phase. Anyone who lives around that area, particularly now the hills development has progressed so far, is aware of the increased surface flooding and including the Attenuation Pond included as part of the first phase would help alleviate any further flooding from the roof and car park of Lidl’s.

It was also mentioned by one member, that they were concerned that this application had not been called in by any Wiltshire Council member, as not being called in and being rubber stamped by officers, was one of the reasons Tesco’s managed to get it overturned previously.


Calne Town Council expressed its disappointment that Wiltshire Council has chosen to not list the laundrette as an Asset of Community Value. One member believes that Wiltshire Council were wrong in their interpretation of the regulations and that they did not take into consideration the community value of having a Laundrette and all that offers to some of our more vulnerable residents. Some members thought that Wiltshire Council may have made this decision, because they are just interested in renting it out to whoever will take on the site and that may not necessarily be as a Laundrette. We resolved to challenge their decision to not list it.

20 MPH Limit

You may or may not be aware that a new 20MPH limit has been introduced in Clane. The roads included are –

  • Anchor Road
  • Bentley Grove
  • Brewers Lane
  • Hill Croft
  • Low Lane
  • Mill Street
  • Saddle Back Close
  • Sandy Ridge
  • The Glebe
  • Vicarage Close

This speed limit came into effect on 9th October, yet there are no speed limit signs showing, so I have questioned if it is enforceable, and asked (via email) for an update as to when the signs will be installed.

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