Two controversial planning applications came before Calne Town Councils, Planning Licencing and Highways Committee this Wednesday (15 November). The proposed new Burger King Food to Go at the Pippin Garage, and a change of use of one of the Retail Units as part of the Churchill Retirement Living development.
Burger King
This appears to be just about cash to the Motor Fuel Group, who own and operate the Pippin petrol station. This is company based in Hertfordshire, with 900 forecourts, who clearly have no care or concept of the disruption such a development would have on this town. The other councillors and I unanimously voted to strongly object to this proposal.
Based on an email I had already circulated amongst the Councillors who sit on this committee, detailing my concerns about this development, along with some valued input by one of our Calne Town Council officers, we have identified several Wiltshire Council Core Planning Policies, that we believe this development would be in breach of. These are summarised below and the full text of our objection which will be forwarded to Wiltshire Council can be found in the minutes which are here.
- Core Policy 55 – There will be increased traffic to and from the site and the proposal does not demonstrate that measures can be taken to effectively mitigate the extra emission levels to protect public health, environmental quality, and amenity.
- Core Policy 57 – Due to the potential for 24/7 operation, the smells, litter, noise and associated Anti-Social Behaviour that comes with takeaways open late at night, that it doesn’t have regard to the compatibility of adjoining buildings and uses, the impact on the amenities of existing occupants, and ensuring that appropriate levels of amenity are achievable within the development itself, including the consideration of privacy, overshadowing, vibration, and pollution (e.g. intrusion, noise, smoke, fumes, effluent, waste or litter).
- Core Policy 61 – Due to the extra traffic requiring additional parking, the mix of pedestrian and vehicle access required along with extra delivery vehicles, the proposal does not demonstrate it is capable of being served by safe access to the highway network and that fit for purpose and safe loading/unloading facilities can be provided where these are required as part of the normal functioning of the development.
Churchill Retirement Living
As part of the Churchill Retirement Living, never wanted and seemingly very unpopular retirement home development, there are four retail/commercial units. These units are as empty as the residential retirement apartments above appear to be. Just go round in the evening, when its dark outside and you will see how empty the whole site is. Have they really all gone to bed by 7pm? I guess no one wants to buy them and who would when contrary to other property investments, retirement apartments tend to lose money when re-sold (see here), due to excessive service charges and ground rents.
Anyway, Churchill Retirement Living, now want to change one of these retail units into another empty unoccupied residential apartment, and one that immediately adjacent to the steps and road.
It is the view of some of us Calne Town Councillors that Churchill has not adequately sought to market and to fill the commercial elements of the development. The decision to sell unviable and expensive long leases rather than monthly rents means that an opportunity for small new businesses or expanding small businesses has not been fully explored. This loss of potential to provide new commercial/retail space in the Town Centre was part of the previous objection raised by the Town Council on behalf of residents.
When this site was granted permission for development by the planning inspectorate in March 2021, one of the stipulations of the planning inspectorate was to remove permitted development rights to safeguard the Retail/Commercial units. Churchill Retirewment Living, not just content with getting the monstrosity built against the wishes of the town, but also want to destroy our town centre even more! As with the Burger King application, you can see the full text of our objection in the minutes here.
What next
These are now in the hands of Wiltshire Council and our Wiltshire Councillors. Calne Town Council has identified Wiltshire Council core policies which we believe, both these developments are in breach of, only time will tell if we have the support of Wiltshire Councillors and Wiltshire Council. I would ask you all to email your respective Wiltshire Councillors, requesting that they call these applications in and ask them to object to them.