Back in June I reminded Calne Town Council, of its responsibility to Maintain the War Memorials , and this included the cleaning.  I think everyone noticed it was beginning to look rather dirty.

It had been restored and cleaned in 2018 with funds raised by the Royal British Legion, supported by the Town Council, to ensure it looked its best to mark the Centenary of the end of the First World War.  A driving force behind the restoration was my friend, Royal British Legion member Mr Rod Rhodes, who sadly passed away last year. I think he would have been distressed at the condition the War Memorial was in after all the hard work that went into its restoration, so I requested Calne Town Council, arrange for it to be cleaned in time for Remembrance Sunday.  The work was carried out recently, and it’s now looking much better.  Going forward the cleaning can only happen every three or four years, as to not deteriorate the stonework.   

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