Today, I received some very disappointing, but not unexpected news. The developer, who is involved in the conversion of the majority of the White Hart site into Apartments, has written to me stating, that they have had only one person interested in taking over the remaining Pub / Restaurant area, despite their offering to do significant improvements at no cost.
That one individual has now pulled out, due to inflation, rising energy costs and an imminent recession, not to mention it’s already a bad time for hospitality.
The developer has implied that they may consider letting the area for retail or other commercial use, but the reality is that they are already preparing drawings and plans, to submit a planning application to turn the remaining area into more apartments. If that happens, then the White Hart is gone, forever!
I can hear the cries now from people saying, “but I thought it had to remain a pub?” This is a comment I have heard time and time again, but no one has ever been able to show where it is written, and besides, a planning decision would override that!
The writing has been on the wall for some time now, but it finally looks like the White Hart is to be no more! A sad day for the town.