Are you one of the many Green Square Accord (GSA) tenants that are experiencing problems getting responses to repair requests and complaints actioned? Do your requests for help or calls go unanswered? You are not alone.

Over the last few weeks, I have had a number of Calne residents, some within my ward and others not, contact me for some advice on how to get GSA to actually respond and deal with the issues they have raised.

There is a solution.

First, you must have a valid reason to complain, so you must have contacted GSA to raise a repair or for any other valid reason and they have not responded within a reasonable period of time, failed to return calls, or not carried out the work required to a reasonable standard (this list is not exhaustive)

If any of the above applies, you can then instigate a formal complaint in line with their complaints process as below. They are supposed to respond within two days of you raising the complaint.

I would suggest using the email address including the term Formal Complaint in the subject line. I do not recommend using the info email address below, as this seems to get ignored.

GSA will nearly always respond with a date for them to fully answer your complaint by, usually within 10 working days. They will sometimes request an extension to this date if they are still awaiting information, the investigation is complex or they are having to contact multiple departments. This extension should only be a day or two but may be longer if public holidays need to be taken into consideration. I would recommend allowing short extensions as this does give GSA the opportunity to respond fully.

If they do not respond then you can ask one of your local Town or Wiltshire councillors to assist you in getting the complaint responded to. Councillors can act as designated persons, who are recognised by GSA very much as a Member of Parliament would be.

To find out who your councillors are, you can check which ward you are in by searching for your postcode here this will also give your Wiltshire councillor, and then find out which Town Councillors represent your ward here.
I have been successful in getting GSA to respond to a number of complaints so far. Use your councillors, we are here to help you.

Their complaints process is shown below and can be downloaded from here.

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