Before an application for a banking hub can progress, I need some really convincing answers to the following questions, and I am asking for your help to come up with them.

  1.  Please could you provide details of a street address or building/shop name of where the centre of your community is? 
  2. Has your community previously had a bank branch that has recently closed, or is due to close?
  3. The Post Office provides banking services. Please could you advise why you feel the services offered at the post office Phelps Parade, do not meet your communities’ needs?
  4. Please can you tell me why you feel a banking hub is needed in your community?
  5. Where do people currently go to access banking facilities?
  6. Does your community have regular and reliable public transport?
  7. What facilities and shops are available in your location?
  8. If there is any other information not asked above that you feel will help us review your request?
One thought on “Banking Hub – An Update (09/23)”
  1. As a trustee of a local charity, I regularly need to bank cash donations. While weekly banking is our personal preference, the cost of paying funds in through a post office prevents us from doing this. We bank with HSBC and at present there are no banks as the Chippenham Branch has been permanently closed. It is hoped that a banking hub would reduce the cost of banking regular cash.

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