You may or may not be aware, that of the nineteen Calne Town Councillors covering the wards in Calne, four are also Wiltshire Councillors (one for each ward). It is the role of these Wiltshire Councillors to represent Calne Town and its residents at the Wiltshire Council level and to hold Wiltshire Council officers to account.
Unlike Town Councillors, Wiltshire Councillors are paid an allowance starting at £15,004 for their role as a Wiltshire Councillor, out of the Council Tax. They also get additional allowances for other roles within Wiltshire Council they hold, up to two additional allowances, as well as travel and subsistence expenses.
In the 2022/23 financial year, Wiltshire Council spent over £2.1 million on allowances (See here). This year it’s likely to be even more.
There are several Calne Town Councillors, me included, who feel that some of our Paid Wiltshire Councillors could be doing more and fighting more for Calne.
Below are several examples of where I think that our Wiltshire Councillors could and should have done more.
Calne Baptist Church.
When the planning application to demolish Calne Baptist Church came before the Calne Town Council planning consultation committee, several Calne residents came and spoke against the development. I personally felt this development was unnecessary and was a wanton destruction of a heritage asset.
Most Calne Town Councillors agreed with me, and the residents and we voted overwhelmingly to object to this development. This was despite a threat by the representative of the Baptist Church who said it would have to consider selling the land for development if planning was not approved.
When this planning application came before the Wiltshire Councillors as the planning authority, It was a hung vote and the casting vote that approved the demolition was made by the chair of the planning committee who happens to be one of our four Wiltshire Councillors.
This was clearly against the wishes of the residents and Calne Town Councillors.
Land to the South of Low Lane
In a more recent planning case, Wiltshire Council approved the development of land to the south of Low Lane, for up to 26 “Entry Level” houses. This was despite residents, Calne Town Council and Calne Without Parish Council objecting, due to the development, being of very poor quality.
To make it clear, most Calne Town Councillors, me included, are not against all development and understand there is a need to build more houses, including affordable homes. We are against unrestricted development and any development that is not supported by the appropriate facilities or is not of a reasonable quality (such as this one).
When this application went before Wiltshire Council it went unopposed by our Wiltshire Council representatives at the meeting at the time. They did not seem to even attempt to make a stand on the quality and stick up for what the residents of Calne and Calne Town Council wanted.
The Original Factory Shop (TOFS)
When the rumours first started to circulate that TOFS was to open a store in the town, I like everyone else was excited at this positive news. It will mean employment and could encourage other companies to move to the town to occupy the number of empty retail units dotted around the high street.
I was already aware that TOFS were interested in taken over the leases of several former M&CO Stores, but had seen nothing about the Calne Store, so I emailed them to enquire. Imagine my delight when I did get a positive response from TOFS head of property. However, part of his response really did concern me. He stated the deal for acquiring the Calne store almost fell through, due to delays being caused by Wiltshire Councils commercial and legal teams. It was about to be sent to their Management Board to decide if they would not proceed.
I raised this with our Wiltshire Councillors, to try and understand what had happened, and to try to ensure that lessons are learned so it does not happen again. The response I got via one of our Wiltshire Councillors was what I have come to expect from Wiltshire Council. “The Council dealt with the matter as expediently as possible, having completed the deal within 9 weeks of terms being agreed, and are really pleased that The Original Factory Shop will add to the vitality of Calne town centre.“
When I queried why it took a further 9 weeks (That’s 2 months!) after all the terms had been agreed, one Wiltshire Councillor just responded that he was only interested in hearing positive comments.
The good news of course is that TOFS is here, and the shop will open imminently. I for one will be using it, saves me driving all the way to Chippenham and Corsham.
However, this does not change the fact that it almost did not happen. I find it incredulous that even one of our Wiltshire Councillors, appeared to care. I for one believe that there is always scope for learning lessons and improving services for all organisations, and that includes Wiltshire Council and our Wiltshire Councillors.
All that is being asked for is our Wiltshire Councillors to support this town, to proudly tell us about the occasions where they have been fighting for Calne, about the times they have strived to make Wiltshire Council improve, about the times they have won extra funding for the town. Is that too much to ask for?